Inspired to Paint Stream2024-01-05T09:41:27-07:00

We want to thank our artists for allowing us to product their videos to help you on your journey of becoming a better artists however, we are no longer selling the streaming version of these videos.  All Videos have been given to the artists to sell on their website.  Please contact the artist to purchase.

If you have already purchased a video please log in to gain access to your lessons.

Note: To our Inspired to Paint with Elizabeth and Shanna, this is a different site than our INSPIRED TO PAINT site.  To log into your Inspired to Paint account please click here

Shop our Fine Art Lessons by Top Artists

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Landscape Videos

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Portrait Videos

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Still Life Videos

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Oil Videos

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Watercolor Videos

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Drawing Videos

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You might be interested in checking out our Inspired to Paint Online Art Mentorship course with Elizabeth Robbins and Shanna Kunz.  Inspired to Paint currently has over 100 instructional painting videos to help you along your journey of becoming a better artist. 

No contract, pay monthly, cancel anytime



Is Elizabeth Robbins’ Learn Paint Grow Online Course included in the VIP Membership?2021-08-03T11:06:00-06:00

No, we are sorry it’s not.  The Learn Paint Grow is an online course that grants you unlimited Lifetime streaming to her videos that were included in her course.

How do I cancel my VIP Membership?2021-08-03T11:17:24-06:00

If you would like to cancel your VIP Membership just log in and go to “Manage Account”.  Click on “Subscriptions” then click on “Change Plan” then click “Cancel” .  You will have access until your renewal date at which time your subscription will be cancelled.  If you want to just take a break for a few months, no problem.  Just cancel your subscription then when you are ready to start learning again just log in and “reactivate” your subscription.

What’s the difference between the VIP Membership and the LIFETIME STREAMING Memberships?2021-08-03T11:14:40-06:00

Our VIP (Very Important Painter) Membership gives you unlimited streaming to all our Artists videos for a monthly fee.  It’s like Netflix.  You pay monthly, there is no contract so you can cancel anytime.   As a VIP Member you also enjoy the benefit of 20% off any of our Lifetime Streaming videos.  Our LIFETIME STREAMING Memberships are like an ALA CART MENU.  You purchase individual videos to have lifetime access.

How do I access my lessons/memberships?2023-02-11T09:56:56-07:00

Once you’ve purchased either the VIP Membership or  LIFETIME STREAMING membership to a lesson, you will receive an email with a link.  You can also access the lessons through “My Account” then click on “Memberships” or “Subscriptions”

What’s the difference between the Inspired to Paint Online Course and Inspired to Paint Stream Team2021-07-26T13:15:39-06:00

Inspired to Paint online course is a monthly membership course with Elizabeth Robbins and Shanna Kunz.  It’s like Netflix.  You pay a monthly subscription fee to watch all the videos on the Inspired to Paint site.

Our Inspired to Paint Stream Team are videos that are produced by Bella Muse Productions by different Master Artists.   You buy a ALL YOU CAN WATCH Membership to be able to watch all our videos (Robbins Learn, Paint Grow Online Course excluded)  or  LIFETIME STREAMING membership to individual lessons instead of a monthly fee.

What if I want a download or DVD version?2021-05-07T03:11:11-06:00

No problem.  Just hop on over to Bella Muse Productions and purchase either a download or the physical DVD version of our videos

Do I need high speed internet2021-03-29T20:17:57-06:00

No, but it will make your viewing more enjoyable.  If you have slower internet speed you might see the video “buffer” for a few seconds until it catches up.

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